Searching for business people by university affiliation?


Try Pitchbook! You can login, then click on People on the lefthand side of the screen. This will take you to the people screener, from here you can search via a number of fields including university/institution.

Pitchbook can be found in the 'Ps' in our Databases A-Z list,


D&B Hoovers is another option, select contacts from the main drop down menu, you will then want to perform a basic search... then you may modify your search (click on modify on the left hand side of the screen), then scroll down to personal information and you will see a "college contains" field there is also a "degree field." D&B Hoovers can be found in the 'Ds' in our databases A-Z list,

  • Last Updated Jan 10, 2025
  • Views 3
  • Answered By Senta Sellers

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